Thursday, December 17, 2015

Science: Materials song!!

These are the materials we learned this week!

Newsletter #11

Year 1 Dragons & Dinosaurs
Weekly Newsletter 11

Dear Parents,
This week we started a new block (unit 1c), simple rhymes. The children learned to identify rhyming words by listening, reading and writing. Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sounds, like  (cat, fat, hat, rat), (sing, wing, thing, ring). The have also learnt to come up with sentences that have at least two rhyming words. The children have also learned to recognize and write the sound qu and recognize words with this sound.

In science, we have also started a new unit. We learned about materials and what most things are made of. We looked around the classroom and tried to identify what everything is made of. We learnt that some things are made from plastic, metal, wood, glass and fabric.
Note: Please check video on blog.

Most of the children were absent today so I did not send out the homework. The homework will be given out on Sunday and will be returned on Wednesday.
I will be posting worksheets on the blog but note that those are only for home use, they’re not to be checked in school.

Thank you
Have a cozy weekend,
Miss Farida

Homework Alert!!

Dearest Parents,
Due to alot of children being absent today, I did not give out the homework. It will be given out on Sunday and to be given back on Wednesday! 
Thank you
Miss Farida

Thursday, December 10, 2015

How to make and play the giant snake game!!

Yesterday was the last of instructions! We  followed instructions on how to make and play the game. Had lots of fun with the kids doing it.

Christmas Song!

The kids will be singing this song in the christmas show. Please make sure the children are constantly listening to it at home :)

Newsletter #10

I apologize for not being able to print out the newsletter with the homework.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

How to make a spinning picture trick!!

We followed instructions today to make a spinning picture trick! It makes two pictures look like one.

Monday, December 7, 2015

My Body Parts!!

Fun video that helps us identify our body parts! You can also have them dance to the head, shoulders, knees and toes song. 

Friday, December 4, 2015


The noun is a place, person or a thing.
The nouns are naming words.
Common nouns names a general place, person or thing such as park, school, cat, boy, girl, pencil, chocolate, etc...
Proper nouns names a specific place, person or thing such as Central Park, EELS, Fluffy, Adam,  Suzy, Sunday, Egypt, Kitkat, etc...
Proper nouns always start with a capital letter.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Winter Uniform!!

The weather is changing!! It was really cold today and when I asked the children to wear their jackets, I noticed alot of them did not have one. Please make sure they are dressed well so they dont get sick.
Thank you
Miss Farida

Saturday, November 28, 2015

What is a verb?!

A verb is a doing word.
It describes an action.

I eat my sandwich.

She reads alot of books.

He writes a letter to his friend.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

How to make chocolate milk!!

We are learning about instructions! The kids had so much fun demonstrating how to follow instructions in order.

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Perfect Sentence!!

* The sentence always starts with a capital letter.
* Leave a space between the words.
* Never write capital letters in the middle of the sentence unless it's the word "I" or a proper noun.
* Always end the sentence with a full stop (dot).
* Write neatly on the line.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Fun Phonics Game!!

This is fun activity where the kids have to listen to a word and choose the beginning, middle and ending sounds to help the girl open the chest. Have them play the medium and hard levels! the very hard level contains some sounds that we havent took in class yet. :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Read Online!!

There are so many fun and interactive websites for literacy. My favorite is as it so full of educational infortmation in a really fun way.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Science: Our 5 senses!

We have been learning about our five senses and their functions in science.
 I played this song for the kids and they loved it!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Stars of the week!! Ahmed and Leena


Dear Parents,

Welcome to year one's blog!! Here I will keep you updated with all photos, news and announcments and alot of useful resources.

Miss Farida